
Showing posts from January, 2019

Jake's Spy Themed Birthday

Spy Themed Birthday Party Agent Flash Turns 8 My son wanted a Spy Themed Birthday. He is 8 years old and was logged in as me on my Pinterest account and pinned a ton of spy ideas and told me " I want you to make all of this on here that you know how to make." My eyes widened as I scrolled through his wants and quickly realized I better get started ASAP if I wanted to make it all happen. Let's start with the invitations... I took different pictures and created a Facebook invite as well as making some paper invites. I attached a photo of my son and enclosed the two together in a file labeled Top Secret with each kid's spy name on it.  I also created spy wallets with a badge inside, but failed to get pics of them. The wallets had a picture of the child (a badge) with their spy names that we made up for them.                         Facebook Event Invites Invitations- Paper I found a free printable for the badges online. D