Jake's Spy Themed Birthday

Spy Themed Birthday Party
Agent Flash Turns 8

My son wanted a Spy Themed Birthday. He is 8 years old and was logged in as me on my Pinterest account and pinned a ton of spy ideas and told me " I want you to make all of this on here that you know how to make." My eyes widened as I scrolled through his wants and quickly realized I better get started ASAP if I wanted to make it all happen.

Let's start with the invitations...
I took different pictures and created a Facebook invite as well as making some paper invites. I attached a photo of my son and enclosed the two together in a file labeled Top Secret with each kid's spy name on it.  I also created spy wallets with a badge inside, but failed to get pics of them. The wallets had a picture of the child (a badge) with their spy names that we made up for them.

                        Facebook Event Invites

Invitations- Paper

I found a free printable for the badges online.


I used pool noodles and printed images on card stock to make these.

I cut out one set of feet prints to use as a template and used a sharpie to draw/color feet prints on the tables.



I wanted the party to run smoothly since there were so many things to do so I made an Itinerary.

The party started with changing into their spy entire and grabbing a spy briefcase. Next, the agents went through Security and did a background check and fingerprinting.

Spy Shirt/Badges/Briefcase

The shirts had the kid's badges on a lanyard wrapped around them and sunglasses for each child to wear. Each agent also received a spy briefcase after checking in with Agent Flash (Birthday Boy)
We put Agent Flash in the center of the room where he checked off each spy
 and handed them their spy attire, badges, and briefcases so they could start working.
 He really enjoyed having a big "job" to do.

He kept the briefcases hidden to make sure each spy checked in so that he could mark them off
as they received their items.

Background Checks

Finger printing

Big Shout out to my Sister-in-law aka "Boss Lady"- Her spy name-  She was the one who did the finger printing, helped with background checks, took pics etc. She was my helper. Boss lady is mentioned in some of the games we played. I introduced her to the kids.

After they completed these tasks, we asked our spies to complete a lie detector test. We chose one random question from each child's background check and determined if they answered the questions truthfully. We found a free true/false fingerprinting app and used a projector so everyone could see the finger scan happening. This was just a fun game to make the kids laugh.

                          Lie Detector Game

Memory- Pop Quiz

I walked around with this tray and each part of the table had a chance to stare at the items for ten seconds. I told the spies to get a good glance. They did not know they would be quizzed. Afterwards, we passed out a paper and the spy who could remember the most items won a prize. We chose handcuffs as the prize.

                                                         Next up... GAMES!!!

We had 4 missions  (each envelope had a mission that was basically a game. (a random spy was chosen to read these out loud before playing each game)  


For this Mission/Game I had a table at the front of the room with tons of files labeled top secret. Each file had a blank colored paper inside. I divided the players into two teams. When we started the game, each spy was told to crawl across the ladder on both of their hands and feet. When they reached the end they could go to the table and choose any folder of their choice. They then had to travel back with their folder. They could stuff the folder in their shirt or use their mouth or whatever method they chose, but had to crawl back to where they started using their hands and feet on the ladder. Smaller kids just had to walk across the ladder to get the envelope. After this, we wrote the 5 colors of the papers that we used in the files (Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Black) Each team removed the paper from their files. Instead of saying the person with the most files wins, we played it using a color point system. We did this because I knew the age gap was tremendous and some kids were older and faster and some were just toddlers. Doing a point system made this more of a game of luck vs skill. We rolled a dice four times to determine the values of each color. We rolled 2 for yellow, 2 for red, and 1 for black. I only had a few blue folders and I made that the bonus color giving them (10points) Each team used the board to figure out the points they earned to see which team won. The winning team was given M&M TNT tubes for each player.

 Candy M&M TNT

Mission 2

This game is similar to "The Floor is Lava". I used a spinner from a "Don't Wake Daddy Game" that I had and made foam stepping stones with footprints drawn on them. I would spin a color and the kids had to make their way to that color stepping stone without touching the ground. If you touched the ground you were out. Some kids shared the same stepping stone which was ok. After a few rounds, we needed to eliminate people so the last person in each round to find the spy feet stepping stone was out.

 Mission 3

For this game, kids gathered in a circle and I set a time (kitchen timer) on the bomb and the kids passed it around. Each kid had to do a trick (under and over each leg or spin around in a complete 360 one time) before passing it. If the timer went off while you were holding it, you were out. The winner received a prize.

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Mission 4

Due to time, cold weather, and bad winds, we did not make it to this game. We were going to do a lazer maze with fake jewels at the end of the maze.


- Spy Glass-
Every year I hand make my kids Piñatas. This is my first Giant (Life Size) Piñata to make. It held up well.

In fact, it held up too well. We ended up having to tear it apart by hand.

I ended up using this dynamite Piñata as a table decoration instead.
I made it using paper towel rolls, red construction paper,
black electrical tape,and wires from a hardware store.

I made the countdown :08 because my son was turning 8


My Mom is awesome at making cakes so she made the Spy Cake for us.
My son chose to be called Agent Flash so she made sure to get that on the cake.



After cake and ice cream, the kids who brought their Nerf guns could do Target practice if they chose to. We had crates outside that they could hide behind. The weather was terrible so a lot of kids opted out and stayed inside.

I think this about sums it up. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Take Care!


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